47 Metres Down – Brand New Trailer!

Sharks. They’re jerks, right?

I mean, all you’re doing is pouring blood to get them hankering from some juicy meat then dipping into their home in a flimsy cage. What kind of asshole just then tries to straight up eat you? Right?


Yes folks, it’s that time of year where we get to take horror takes a bite and pushes us into the deep end. This time it’s Mandy Moore who has to do battle with hungry great whites in 47 Metres Down.

The film revolves around a bunch of folk on holiday who do that insane “let’s look at sharks” thing in cages in the ocean but, welp, it goes a bit awry when the ladies go plummeting to the sand below and have to extra some ravenous sharks.

Honestly, the whole plot seems a bit flimsy to stretch over an hour and a half. And the “sharks are bad” context has been done many times before.

What do you think?

47 Metres Down is out June! 

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