Joshua: Teenager vs. Superpower – Brand New Trailer!

Hong-Kong is an incredibly unique city. It was owned by the British until twenty years ago, when it was handed back to the Chinese. But for many of the population, they have grown up in a Western city, and have needed to adjust their mind-set to fall in line with the Communist Regime of China.

The trailer for Joshua: Teenager vs. Superpower, (Netflix’s latest documentary) tells the story of how a teenager was able to rally the City’s populace into fighting back against their oppressive government and seeing Hong-Kong once again restored to its own independent state.

The shots of peaceful protests and the police response are set to a powerful piece of instrumental music which will whip you into a frenzy of support for their plight. It will be an interesting documentary to watch.

Joshua: Teenager vs. Superpower will be available to stream on Netflix from May 26th!

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