Fast 8 – Brand New Trailer!

It’s fairly safe to say that the Fast and Furious franchise probably has a check sheet for what goes into their films nowadays, and yet despite the by the numbers approach to making the films, the series has gone from strength to strength.

You really don’t need to watch the latest trailer for Fast & Furious 8. You’ll have seen it all before and if you aren’t a fan of the anthology, it’s very unlikely that it will win you over.

If you’re still intrigued, I’ll sum it up thusly;

Cars, cars, cars, small bit of expository dialogue, cars, explosion, tense moment where it looks like all is lost or has gone wrong somehow, cars, cars, explosion, title of the film.

There you go, now you can get on with your day, safe in the knowledge that you have saved three minutes to do something else. Might I suggest making a cup of tea and reflecting on your life?

Fast & Furious 8 is out in cinemas April 12th!

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