Why do so many trailers feel the need to give away the big climactic sequences of their movies?
I ask because the latest trailer for Power Rangers looks to be doing the exact same thing with its last 10 seconds. It feels like there’s a distinct need to show off all the big guns to ensure that people will go see the movie.
The final moments aside, the rest of the trailer suggests the rest of the film is your fairly standard action hero story. Provided it’s done well, there is no cause for concern, but it’s far too easy for such a plot to become cliché. Fortunately, the cinematography and action sequences look like they’ll be scratching the same itch as The Avengers films, and the techni-colour palette makes a change from the muddy browns of yesteryear, even if there is still an insistence on making the Rangers’ costumes metallic instead of spandex jumpsuits. But that’s probably the nostalgia talking.
Power Rangers is out in cinemas March 23rd!