The LEGO Ninjago Movie – Brand New Teaser!

Relationships with parents can be tough. It is natural for kids to rebel. It’s just a part of growing up. Is what I would say if like you wanted to be an artist but your dad wanted you to become a dentist like him. Or something like that. Teenage angst is very real.

When your dad is literally an evil villain who is bent on destroying Ninjago, however, it might be fair to say your floppy hair and attitude isn’t a phase.

Lloyd (or ‘L Loyd’ because, in his dad’s defense, he did name him) is ready to kick parental butt using his awesome ninja skills. But will he be able to put emotion to one side when it comes to the crunch?

Showcasing the quirky LEGO movie franchise humour we’ve come to love, this latest trailer for Legos new new film (Batman who?) reminds us that franchises and merchandising are successful for a reason – they can be damn good.

The LEGO Ninjago Movie is out October 13th

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