
Rings – New Trailer

I imagine the writers sitting around a boardroom table for this one.

‘Come on guys, we need a new film. Something scarier than The Ring. More popular than Ring 2. We need fresh ideas people!’

‘What about if there were lots of rings? Like, plural? More is scarier’

‘Paul, you just struck gold. Tell your wife she’s married to the new senior vice president of deputy managing’

*pats on back* *shakes hand*

You know the plot by now. There’s a film. There’s a girl in it. You watch it, you die. But watching a film about the film is ok. Like seeing Mudusa in a mirror, it doesn’t count. Rings takes this process one step further. Now there is a film WITHIN the film that the IRL film is about. And it’s scarier than ever!

Considering how many times Paramount has pushed back the release date, they have no excuse for poor production at this point. So if you go to horror movies purely for the jumps and the shivers you’ll probably love this…threequel?

If they do manage to cram anything original into the storyline, let me know. I for one don’t intend on seeing a film which might kill me, through boredom or otherwise.


Rings is out February. 

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