Yes, you read that title correctly. Essex Spacebin. The name alone conjures up a weird and wonderful wealth of possibilities of what could be.
Fortunately, the trailer does not disappoint. It is strongly recommended that you make sure you are not on hallucinogens when watching this, as I don’t think anyone can be held responsible for trying to eat your own head to exorcise Grolth the Maggot Queen and her brood of Zombie Lizard Tea Trays.
Actually, you know what? Fuck it. Take LSD and watch this trailer. It’s absolutely glorious and batshit insane. There is something that taps into your inner psyche and tickles the primal centres of your brain before boiling it and sending it dribbling out of your ears.
I’m not capable of describing insanity, but I am forced to assume that it is not found far from this masterpiece. At least, that’s what the nice men in white coats keep telling me that is the cause for my new room with padded walls…
Essex Spacebin is out February 18th on DVD, Blu-Ray and Online!